Karma Kanda And Jnana Kanda Puja Vidhi Are Important Section Of The Vedas Rituals

Karma Kanda And Jnana Kanda Puja Vidhi Are Important Section Of The Vedas Rituals

Karma Kanda And Jnana Kanda
Karma Kanda And Jnana Kanda



What is Karma Kanda and Jnana Kanda? Are you interested to know more about our Vedas? We usually do Puja of god but we don’t get success, we don’t get the results of that Puja, why this happened to us? Is there something going wrong with our worship of God? To know more about this read our posts daily. Bharma ji had the credit to write all the Vedas. Vedas are further subdivided into two major portions called Karma Kanda (also known as Purva mimamsa) and Jnana Kanda (also known as Uttara mimamsa). Karma Kanda has two subdivisions and they are Deva Puja and Bharma Puja.


Karam Kanda Puja Vidhi
Karam Kanda Puja Vidhi

Karma Kanda Puja Vidhi 

              Before knowing the Puja Vidhi of Karma Kanda you should have better knowledge of Puja items going to be used in Puja Vidhi. There are more than 20+ Puja Vidhi are included in Karma Kanda Puja Vidhi. Some of them are explained here in brief and if you want to know more Puja Vidhi, then contact us, we provide you and describe more and better information for you about Puja Vidhi.


Karma Kanda And Jnana Kanda 

              Karma actually means act, deed, action or work, which when performed gives power and enjoyment to the person. A deed may be good or bad as you prefer to do, according to your deeds you will have to pay against the god after your death or sometimes prize we got here on the earth for our deeds. As your deed and intention is good, then the future is good, if your deed and intention is wrong, then future have to suffer. Jnana Kanda is concerned with the three principles which is belief in self, God and the world and their internal relationships. If you have belief in yourself and God, then you can achieve anything any target in life, you can get every height with this fact.


Karma Kanda Section Of The Vedas
Karma Kanda Section Of The Vedas


Karma Kanda Section Of The Vedas 

              In Karma Kanda a section of the Vedas it is said that if anyone do penance for four months, then that person become eligible to drink somarasa beverage and become immortal and live happily. A Karma Kanda section of the Vedas which is considered more important yet as a part of vedic knowledge. Here we provide you the service to know more about karma Kanda and section of the Vedas. There are four Vedas in our Hindu Vedic tradition which are Samaveda, Rigveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda.



Karma Kanda Rituals

                   If one can follow the karma Kanda rituals, then they can achieve  a better level of divinity and spiritual activity. And with this divinity one can get Moksha from this rebirth cycle. Through following karma Kanda rituals one can achieve any of the gole (wealth and money etc,). The Lord krishana is known as great karma yogi or superman of karma. If you want to know more about Hindu religion or tradition, then you are on the right place to know more about it, We are here because we are interested to provide you our best services to satisfy you with our knowledge about karma kanda rituals.